With recent political changes taking place in eastern Europe, a flood of Russian art is emerging on the art gallery and auction scenes.
As with most “newcomers” in the contemporary arts, reference information is often scant or non-existent … So, in keeping with a consistent pattern—auction sightings are offered as references when the artists cannot be located elsewhere.
These signatures are exact facsimiles and any unusual renderings of the alphabet are the results of liberties taken by the artists.
For the researcher who does not read Cyrillic, one should be aware that often when Russian names are transliterated into the Roman alphabet, variant spellings in indexed books will appear. For example: Y’s are changed to an I or J, J’s are changed to an AI or I, F’s are changed to a V, V’s are changed to FF, and W’s are changed to a V. This is brought to your attention because many of the Russian names are listed with variant spellings—even in some of the reference sources listed.